Dustin Poirier Sleeps Saint-Denis In The Second Round!!!


That was insane. For the entire first round, Benoit Saint-Denis basically walked though Dustin Poirier. He was everything we thought he was. BSD ate Poirier's best shots, didn't respect his power whatsoever, and landed a bunch of big shit of his own. He looked like the god damn Terminator. 

Poirier also jumped guillotine about a hundred times, and put himself in a worse position than before each and every time he tried for it. Between rounds, his corner straight up told him "NO MORE GUILLOTINES!"

Of course, he opened the second round by jumping a guillotine - which put him in a worse spot than he was in before immediately.

"The Diamond" fought his way to his feet, though, and late in the second round he rocked Saint-Denis BAD - leading to this brutal finish.

I won't lie - I certainly bought into all of the Benoit Saint-Denis hype coming into this fight, and thought he was gonna starch Poirier. He might've killed people with rocks for Christ sake!

Benoit ain't done by any means after this - but it's just a reminder that Dustin Poirier is that dude, and has been that dude for a LONG time. He may not be done with title shots in this sport after all. Another rematch with Conor McGregor is always looming, as well.

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